EPA says dicamba will be sprayed this summer despite court ban
By Johnathan Hettinger
Despite a recent federal court ruling banning three agricultural weed killing products, U.S. regulators said this week that they will continue to allow farmers to spray the pesticides this summer.
In what amounts to a win for the agrochemical industry and for many farmers using the industry’s seeds and chemicals, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued an order on Wednesday laying out a framework for continued use of millions of gallons of dicamba herbicides. The EPA said farmers may still apply product that has already been shipped from agrochemical companies Bayer, BASF and Syngenta. The companies cannot sell additional supplies over what has already been labeled and shipped, however, the EPA said.
The announcement is the latest move in a years-long saga that has played out across US farm country, pitting farmer against farmer. While many growers say the dicamba products – sprayed over special dicamba-tolerant crops – are necessary to fight back increasingly difficult-to-kill weeds in their fields, many others say their own orchards, gardens and farm fields not planted with dicamba-tolerant crops are being damaged by the drift of the pesticide across the countryside.
Last week, a federal judge in Arizona banned the dicamba-based weed killers made by the three companies, saying the EPA unlawfully approved the products. It marked the second time a federal court has banned dicamba weed killers since they were introduced for the 2017 growing season. The judge in the most recent case found that the EPA made a crucial error by failing to allow a public notice and comment period on its reapproval decision for dicamba as required by law.
The EPA’s action to allow farmers to still spray this year angered many environmental advocates.
“It’s as though they didn’t just lose this lawsuit,” said Lori Ann Burd, environmental health program director at the Center for Biological Diversity, which successfully challenged the 2020 approval of dicamba in court. “It’s hard to imagine what it would take to get rid of dicamba. It’s like a zombie, it just keeps coming back and coming back. There has never been a point where the EPA didn’t bend over backwards to give registrants what they want,” Burd said.